Parents! Here is what you need to know for the first days of school!

FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL - We are having an optional Staggered-Start Plan. We are asking families to consider attending as follows:
Families whose last name begins with the letters A-H to attend school on Tuesday, September 1st
Families whose last name begins with the letter J-O to attend school on Wednesday, September 2nd
Families whose last name begins with the letter P-Z to attend school on Thursday, September 3rd
All students would then begin attending regularly as of Friday, September 4th, Monday through Friday, for the remainder of the school year.
Daily At-Home Health Screening - All families are encouraged to become familiar with the COVID 19 Screening Questionnaire anyone entering the school will be required to complete this screening questionnaire prior to entering the building.
School Supply lists can be found on our School Website at
Daily Arrival At School - In order to limit the number of students entering and exiting the school at the same time, we are asking families to consider daily arrival times as follows:
Bus students will continue to arrive as per their bussing route and will enter the school at the first bell (8:30)
Non-Bus students are encouraged to arrive at 8:33 (or slightly later) and make their way directly to their assigned entrance (to be posted Monday, August 31st).
We will be implementing a “Kiss n Go” parent drop off area in the staff parking lot. Details will be posted Monday, August 31st.
Junior & Senior High students will be directed to their home rooms upon arrival.
**Please Note - with the exception of Kindergarten, parents/guardians will not be able to accompany children into the school on the First Day(s) of School**
Daily Dismissal from School - In order to limit the number of students exiting the school at the same time, we will be releasing students in waves, as follows:
Busses will run as scheduled and bus students will be dismissed first:
First wave bus students will be released at approximately 3:20
Second wave bus students will be released at approximately 3:25
Students being driven will be picked up at approximately 3:30 in the Kiss n Go area.
Students walking will be released at 3:30 (regular dismissal)
Students in all grades will be assigned a locker that they may access at specific times. Grades 7 - 12 will be given their combination lock the first day of classes. Please refrain from bringing your own lock as we have a system in place.
Lunch Hour
Students in Junior & Senior High who reside in town, may travel home for the lunch break. Bus students in Junior High are required to have a completed “Downtown Privileges” permission form signed by their parent or guardian, in order to leave school property during lunch break.
Please note: Microwaves will NOT be available for use by students in all grades. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms with their own cohort group. Students will be unable to visit other classrooms during breaks.
Elementary Recess
Elementary students will be able to participate in outside daily recesses. Each group will have a designated area to play each day and will rotate to different playground spaces. This will enable students to enjoy all sections of the playground space throughout the week.