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An extensive list of funding options and opportunities - Click Here
Rutherford Scholarship - Click Here
RE/MAX 2022 Quest for Excellence® Bursary

RE/MAX of Western Canada will award 16 bursaries of $1,000 each to qualifying Grade 12 students. In addition, each award includes a Certificate of Excellence signed by the Regional Executive Vice President of RE/MAX of Western Canada. Winners will be notified in April 2022.
What is Required?
Students are to convey the contributions they have made to their communities in a short online essay, maximum 1,250 words. Key qualities students should demonstrate are leadership, motivation and communication skills. Other attributes may include volunteering, participation in charitable events or fundraising, and contributions that enrich the lives of others and their communities.
Livingstone Range School Division Scholarships
2022 Applications will be Available late April
Submit your completed application directly to your
High School Guidance Counsellor or Principal
- Dr. Lloyd Cavers Scholarship - School-based Nomination, $200 for nominees and $1000 for the division winner
The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize the contributions made by a student leader in Livingstone Range School Division. The recipient’s leadership abilities will have had a positive impact, primarily at the school, but also in the wider community. The student will be graduating from Grade 12 in his or her chosen program.
- Livingstone Macleod Association Bursary Fund, $2000
Open to LRSD students registered in Grade 12 that are completing the requirements of a high school diploma and require assistance to advance to a trade’s post-secondary institution: Olds College, SAIT, NAIT (only if the course is not offered at SAIT), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College and the University of Alberta Agricultural Faculty.
Applicants must have demonstrated academic process and have shown the desire of advancing into their selected trade throughout Grades 10 to 12.
- ENMAX Environmental Leadership Scholarship, $1000
- Open to LRSD students registered in Grade 12 that are completing the requirements of a high school diploma, minimum 65% GPA in Grade 12.
- Applicants must have demonstrated outstanding environmental leadership and citizenship qualities as revealed by the participation in non-academic activities for the school and community throughout Grades 10, 11 and 12.
- Recipient must be registered in a post-secondary institution in Canada in an eligible program of study of at least two year duration leading to a degree or diploma in an area of environmental studies.
Elmer and Ona Hansen Memorial Fund Scholarship

Applications will Re-Open in May
We are thrilled, honoured, and proud to continue the Hansen/ Ness Legacy in a meaningful way: we will again award ten (10) Elmer and Ona Hansen Memorial Fund Scholarships, worth a total of $80,000! The scholarships will be awarded as follows:
- One (1) scholarship will be awarded at $20,000;
- One (1) scholarship will be awarded at $15,000;
- One (1) scholarship will be awarded at $10,000; and
- Seven (7) scholarships will be awarded at $5,000 each.
The application is open from May 1 – June 30, at noon.
Nelson Scholarship Program

Do you know a Grade 12 student excelling in the classroom and making a difference in their community? Encourage them to apply for one of our $10,000 scholarship opportunities. Recipients of the awards are young leaders of tomorrow, showcasing a commitment to community stewardship and academic achievement.
This year, we are once again offering two incredible opportunities for students, our Civic Leadership Scholarship and our Indigenous Student Scholarship, in partnership with Indspire.
To learn more about our scholarship program and how to apply, click the link below and be sure to share with your students.
Applications close June 30
Crowsnest and Pincher Creek Landfill Scholarship
Local Area Scholarships
Glen Keeley Memorial $2000- Aug 1