Every student, every day.

Emergency School Closure Continued Learning Pilot Program

When schools close due to inclement weather or a community emergency, student learning is disrupted. In recent years, the schools in Pincher Creek and Lundbreck have found that even when schools remain open during bad weather days, attendance drops to between 25 and 30%.

In the spring of 2023, parents of students at Matthew Halton High School, Canyon School, and Livingstone School were surveyed about interest in addressing continued learning during school closures. Of the parent responses, the overwhelming majority were in favor of a plan that would mitigate some of the learning disruptions that happen due to inclement weather or school closures. 

The Emergency School Closure Continued Learning Pilot Program has been developed across the three schools, in conjunction with Livingstone Range School Division senior administration. The goal is to increase student engagement and maintain educational momentum amid disruptions due to weather or community emergencies. 

We anticipate piloting this program for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year. We will gather data and report back to our parents and school community at the end of the two years.

We understand that this pilot program may not work for all families, but hope that it will prove effective for overall student learning and engagement. Please speak with your school principal if you have specific questions or concerns about the program.

Where there is a Division-wide school closure, this Pilot Program will not apply.

Day 1 of Closure: Asynchronous Learning

Students complete provided learning or school activities atvtheir own time & schedule. Participation is required. If unable to participate or complete learning, email the teacher for excused absence.

  • Early Learning: No assigned work
  • Kindergarten-Grade 6: Paper work packets may be sent home in advance. Online learning options available. Focus on English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science.
  • Grade 7-12: By 10am teachers will post work on Google Classroom or Hapara for all classes. Students work independently.

Day 2 of Closure: Synchronous Learning

On consecutive days of closure, teachers should provide online opportunities to check in with students. Participation is required. If unable to participate or complete learning, email the teacher for excused absence.

  • Early Learning: No assigned work
  • Kindergarten-Grade 6: Scheduled virtual check-ins with teacher may be required. Activities and continued learning for enrichment and review. May include offline work time.
  • Grade 7-12: Synchronous online learning options may be available. By 10am teachers will post work on Google Classroom or Hapara for all classes. Teachers should provide virtual office hours/ availability for students to receive additional support and instruction. Students work independently but can reach out for specific support.

Download the Pilot Program Info Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions

How will we know when a school is closed and the pilot program is enacted? As in the past, if the school is closed due to inclement weather or a community emergency, parents will be notified by email, text message, and/or phone call as early as possible in the morning. School closure announcements will also be posted on the school website.

What if a student arrives at school because the family didn’t know the school is closed? There will always be at least one staff member at the school in the event of a closure on a regular school day. Students will be safe until parents can arrive to take them home.

We have three children but only one computer. How will they all work virtually if school is closed? On Day 1 of Closure, students will work at their own pace and can share access to a computer. Kindergarten to Grade 6 students will work primarily offline on paper packets sent home in advance. On Day 2 of Closure, families will be able to share computer access for younger students to check in virtually and older students to meet in real-time with their teachers. Our staff are aware that there may be limitations to computer and internet access during these school closures.

What if I don’t want my child to be on screens on a day when the school is closed? On Day 1 of Closure, screen time will be limited and most work will be done offline. On Day 2 of Closure, students will have offline work time and breaks to minimize digital fatigue. 

Why can’t we just have a day off if the weather is bad? Student learning is our top priority. Disruptions even for a day or two can put individual students and whole classes behind, especially at the high school level. We want to provide opportunities for all students to stay engaged and minimize learning loss.